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Glasgow-based global-brand Vanilla Blush is heading down under today to Australia to stretch their knickers and sportswear further around the globe.
Director Thomas Rannachan, representing the UK award winning company, is excited to be flying the Vanilla Blush flag while flying around the map to attend the 2019 conference, which is being hosted by the AASTN (Australia Association of Stoma Therapy Nurses) in Sydney between Sunday 19th and Wednesday 22nd May.
Rannachan said: "We have a huge customer base in Australia and great relationships with the nurses in Australia but it is usually an email relationship. I will love putting a face to a name - as well as a face to an email address! - and sitting down exchanging ideas on how best to help people live a full life while living with a Stoma."
Rannachan concluded: "It's brilliant to be able to say that Vanilla Blush is truly a global success story as it now heads down underwear!"